If you're self-employed, you enjoy the benefits of being your own boss, which means you set your own hours and answer to yourself. However, it also means that you do without some of the security you enjoy when you're employed by someone else. For instance, if you're injured on the job while you're self-employed, you're solely responsible for the financial losses, as well as for the medical care you need. If you want to protect yourself in the event of a work-related injury, it's important that you invest in worker's compensation insurance for yourself. Worker's compensation isn't just for large companies that employ numerous employees. It's also for the sole proprietor without any employees. If you're self-employed, here are just three of the reasons you need to invest in worker's compensation insurance for yourself. 

Ensure Proper Medical Care

If you are your own boss, you need to be concerned about on-the-job injuries. When you're employed by someone else, they carry worker's compensation insurance for you, which will take care of your medical needs should you suffer injuries while on the job. If you're self-employed, you may think that you can use your own health insurance to cover any work-related injuries you sustain. Unfortunately, that's not the case, which leaves you without the ability to cover your medical expenses. One of the benefits of carrying your own worker's compensation insurance is that the medical care for your work-related injuries will be covered by the policy. 

Avoid Loss of Income

If you're self-employed, you need to worry about the loss of income due to work-related injuries, especially if you're the sole breadwinner for your family. When you're self-employed, your source of income is lost once you suffer a work-related injury. That is, unless you have worker's compensation for your own protection. Once you have worker's compensation for yourself, you'll avoid the loss of income should you suffer an on-the-job injury. Luckily, that means you'll maintain your income until you're able to return to work. 

Satisfy Client Requirements

If you're self-employed, and you provide services for private clients, you need to invest in worker's compensation for yourself. Many private clients require independent contractors to carry their own worker's compensation coverage. The individual coverage protects your clients should you suffer an on-the-job injury while providing services for them. 

If you're self-employed, don't take chances with your income. Invest in worker's compensation insurance and protect yourself against work-related injuries.
