If you were recently in a car accident, you may be worried about your auto insurance rates increasing. It is true that insurance companies tend to raise premiums for drivers involved in accidents. The company may see their client as a bigger risk and charge higher premiums to protect themselves. However, it is still possible to keep your rates from skyrocketing.

Here are some tips for getting lower car insurance rates after an auto accident.

Find Out About Accident Forgiveness

Most insurance companies realize that many people get into at least one auto accident. That is why many insurers will not raise premiums for your first accident. Ask your insurance company if they are willing to forgive your first car accident.

Sign Up for a Driving Course

Driving courses are not just for teenagers. It never hurts to refresh your driving skills, especially after you have been in an accident. During this course, an instructor will teach you different techniques to anticipate and react to dangers on the road. If you complete this course, your insurance company may decide to lower your rates.

Look Into Other Discounts

Just because you have been in an accident does not mean that you can't qualify for other auto insurance discounts. For instance, if you drive significantly fewer miles than the average driver per year, your insurer may offer you a low-mileage discount.

Get a Higher Deductible

One of the simplest ways to reduce your monthly premiums is to raise your deductible. Although you will have cheaper premiums, you will have higher out of pocket expenses if you file a claim. Before you have your insurer raise your deductible, make sure that you have the money if you get into another collision.

Find a Different Insurer

If you are unable to get cheaper insurance rates after a car accident, it can be very frustrating. However, that does not mean you have to give up completely. In this situation, it may be in your best interest to look at several car insurance companies. You can see if they are willing to offer you a lower rate.

Although it may be more difficult to obtain cheaper auto insurance rates after an accident, it is not impossible. If you follow these helpful tips, you may get cheaper premiums. If you have additional questions, do not hesitate to contact your insurance agent. They can provide additional details regarding auto insurance coverage.
